
Dr. Glossy Sabharwal: Empowering Women's Health through Radiology Excellence

Glossy Sabharwa, Radiologist & Women Health Specialist

Glossy Sabharwa

Radiologist & Women Health Specialist

In the field of medicine, where each specialty holds a unique key to unlocking the mysteries of the human body, radiology stands as a crucial pillar. It is a field that utilizes advanced imaging techniques to unveil the hidden stories beneath the skin, aiding in the early detection and diagnosis of various medical conditions. Dr. Glossy Sabharwal is a distinguished radiologist who has dedicated herself to women's health. Her mission is to bridge healthcare disparities and empower women to take charge of their well-being. As a woman, doctor, and mother, she aims to make healthcare a fundamental right for women across India. She emphasizes accessibility, awareness, and affordability as the pillars of her mission, which form the foundation of her tireless efforts to improve women's health throughout the country.

Advancing Education & Healthcare Initiatives
Dr. Glossy's educational background includes an MBBS at Government Medical College in Amritsar, Punjab, and a fellowship in women's health in the United States. Upon returning to India, Dr. Glossy completed her Master’s degree, MD in radiology from Nagpur. This marked her journey as Head of the Department and Director Radiology at Jeewan Mala Hospital in New Delhi. Additionally, she established a clinic in Vasanth Vihar and founded the 'WISH Clinic' (Women Imaging Specialists in Healthcare) in 2016, dedicated to providing affordable updated healthcare services to women in Delhi.

Driven by Legacy
Dr. Glossy's motivation echoes her family's medical legacy, spanning five generations and comprising over 150 doctors. Her mother's influence, alongside unwavering support from her marital family of doctors, especially her husband Dr. Ankush and her 11 year old son, Samarvir fortified her medical journey. It is not possible to achieve your professional goals if your family isn’t
supportive. "Having doctors as role models especially my mother in law Dr. Malvika Sabharwal and being part of a family with such a legacy served as the strongest motivation", Dr. Glossy explains.

No Room for Inaccuracies in Diagnosis & Treatment
In her role as a radiologist, Dr. Glossy's greatest satisfaction lies in pre-emptively diagnosing conditions, often a life saving intervention. When it comes to determining the appropriate treatment plan for her patients, Dr. Glossy emphasizes a customized approach tailored to individual needs. Her meticulous evaluation process, which includes comprehensive medical histories, specialized scans, and precise blood tests, ensures the authenticity and precision of her treatment recommendations.

To stay abreast of new developments in radiology, Dr. Glossy is actively involved in various professional associations within India. She served as the Joint Secretary of the Indian Radiology and Imaging Association and holds executive positions in esteemed organizations such as the Society of Fetal Medicine and the Breast Imaging Society of India.

Witnessing Patients Survive Cancer Due To Early Diagnosis & Helping Women Struggling With Infertility Become Mothers Have Been The Most Fulfilling Aspects Of My Career

Achievements & Rewards
Dr. Glossy's career boasts numerous milestones, including distinctions during her MBBS, MD, the Young Investigator Scholarship Award in Japan, and recognition as a COVID warrior by the Indian Medical Association. However, she emphasizes that the most significant rewards are the positive outcomes and feedback from her patients.

"Witnessing patients survive cancer due to early diagnosis and helping women struggling with infertility become mothers have been the most fulfilling aspects of my career", she says.

Vision for Affordable & Accessible Healthcare
Dr. Glossy's vision for the future is to make affordable healthcare accessible to women across India. She believes that every woman should not only be aware of her healthcare needs but also have easy access to the necessary services. Ensuring affordability, accessibility, and awareness of healthcare is her primary goal, and she is dedicated to making this vision a reality.