Yoga, Diet Based Lifestyle Management With Medical Therapy Is The Best Treatment For Heart Disease

A recent US study, claims that in over 85 percent of stable cases of heart ailments, medical intervention like angioplasty or bypass surgeries can be avoided and medical therapy along with lifestyle changes works better.
The study named ISCHEMIA (International Study of Comparative Health Effectiveness with Medical and Invasive Approaches) was conducted on 5170 patients in more than 320 sites across the world including various sites from India. The trial was the most scientifically designed study (Randomized Controlled Trial) presented on Saturday, 15th November, 2019 at the annual meeting of American Heart Association (AHA) in Philadelphia. The results showed that Bypass surgeries can be avoided through
medical therapies and lifestyle modifications in mild to severe heart ailments(Except emergency).
‘Yoga and Diet based Lifestyle management along with Optimum Medical Management is the key to the solution of heart diseases. Not only that they are highly effective for healthy heart, but also prevent Bypass surgery or Angioplasty. SAAOL (Science and Art of Living) has been treating heart patients for the last 25 years successfully and its theory is now being proven correct by the most modern medical research. To avoid heart attack, all the patients need is a thorough training on lifestyle and cover of Allopathic medicines’.
In the beginning of the study all the patients were TMT positive and 85 percent of them went for CT Angiography and 15 percent for conventional catheter Angiography to assess the blockages. Almost 50 percent has Severe Angina, 33 percent had moderate Angina and 12 percent had Mild Angina. Half of the patients went for Bypass surgery or Angioplasty, and half were followed with Optimum Medical Therapy(OMT) with lifestyle change. At the end of four years, the death date was 6.5 percent and 6.4 percent in both the groups. Hospitalization with heart attack was also similar at 13.9 percent and 11.7 percent. This research concluded that, if the patient in not having heart attack or angina at rest, doing Stents or Bypass surgery does not give any advantage to the heart patients. The heart patients are better off, if they are on Optimal Medicines with lifestyle change and concluded that for TMT positive cases Stents or Bypass surgeries are not required.
The study results have put a big question mark on the use of unnecessary Angioplasties and Bypass surgeries in India and the 10,000 Heart Hospital Industry driven by the greedy Heart Surgeons and Interventional Cardiologists. In India, more than five lac Stents are being put every year and some 60,000 Bypass surgeries are being done in the heart Hospitals and 85 percent of them are done on stable heart patients, which can be easily avoided.
The present study has proven that SAAOL’s approach to heart treatment is more scientific, reliable and cheaper as it involves diet,yoga, stress management,
exercise and optimal medical treatment.
‘Yoga and Diet based Lifestyle management along with Optimum Medical Management is the key to the solution of heart diseases. Not only that they are highly effective for healthy heart, but also prevent Bypass surgery or Angioplasty. SAAOL (Science and Art of Living) has been treating heart patients for the last 25 years successfully and its theory is now being proven correct by the most modern medical research. To avoid heart attack, all the patients need is a thorough training on lifestyle and cover of Allopathic medicines’.
In the beginning of the study all the patients were TMT positive and 85 percent of them went for CT Angiography and 15 percent for conventional catheter Angiography to assess the blockages. Almost 50 percent has Severe Angina, 33 percent had moderate Angina and 12 percent had Mild Angina. Half of the patients went for Bypass surgery or Angioplasty, and half were followed with Optimum Medical Therapy(OMT) with lifestyle change. At the end of four years, the death date was 6.5 percent and 6.4 percent in both the groups. Hospitalization with heart attack was also similar at 13.9 percent and 11.7 percent. This research concluded that, if the patient in not having heart attack or angina at rest, doing Stents or Bypass surgery does not give any advantage to the heart patients. The heart patients are better off, if they are on Optimal Medicines with lifestyle change and concluded that for TMT positive cases Stents or Bypass surgeries are not required.
The study results have put a big question mark on the use of unnecessary Angioplasties and Bypass surgeries in India and the 10,000 Heart Hospital Industry driven by the greedy Heart Surgeons and Interventional Cardiologists. In India, more than five lac Stents are being put every year and some 60,000 Bypass surgeries are being done in the heart Hospitals and 85 percent of them are done on stable heart patients, which can be easily avoided.
The present study has proven that SAAOL’s approach to heart treatment is more scientific, reliable and cheaper as it involves diet,yoga, stress management,
exercise and optimal medical treatment.