
Is your biological clock ticking? Social Freezing might help you in your parenthood journey!

Dr. Krishna Chaitanya Mantravadi is an expert in clinical embryology, and cryopreservation of gametes and embryos apart from extensive knowledge in the latest assisted reproductive techniques. He is very passionate about human embryology and constantly researches on innovative approaches to improve the success rates of in vitro fertilization treatments.

Women at age 40 face a 40% chance of miscarriage if they can get pregnant at all and by the age of 45, the risk of miscarriage is 75% (PubMed Journal). That’s quite shocking but it's the fact. Changing lifestyle, educational and career aspirations, financial commitments, and several other medical reasons force men and women to postpone their parenthood dream. But nobody can deny the fact that fertility declines with age in both sexes. The number and the quality of eggs decline as the women age making it more difficult to conceive. There is a dip in men’s sperm count also with an increase in age. Can one fulfill the commitments and also achieve parenthood? Social Freezing can be the solution. By freezing one’s sperm, eggs, or embryos, social freezing offers the option to preserve one’s fertility and become parents at a convenient time in the future. One can buy time by actually freezing their fertility and achieving their career or educational dreams before taking the role of parents.

What happens in Social Freezing?

Eggs, sperms, or embryos are retrieved and stored in liquid nitrogen for a long period of time. These can be thawed and used in the process of IVF anytime in the future as per the individual or couple’s convenience to attain parenthood.

Benefits of Social Freezing:

• Fulfill the parenthood desire at one’s own pace
• Reduces the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities
• Can have biological children at the desired time without going in for donor sperms/eggs
• Helps women get pregnant at an advanced age
• Can help men/women with cancer to preserve their fertility

Types of Freezing:

Oocyte Vitrification:

After a thorough gynecological examination, a suitable hormonal stimulation plan for the stimulation of ovaries is worked out and oocytes or eggs are retrieved from the women. These are then cryopreserved quickly by the process of vitrification that prevents the formation of ice crystals. IVF can be carried with frozen eggs later as per the patient’s convenience. By this procedure, women get the freedom to conceive anytime in the future without compromising on their career/educational goals.

Embryo Cryopreservation:

In this method, women’s eggs are fertilized with the partner’s sperm and the embryo so formed is frozen. The embryo can be thawed and implanted later in the future.

Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation:

Through this process, a piece of ovarian tissue is cryopreserved. This is usually done in women who suffer from premature ovarian insufficiency or Malignancy.

Semen Freezing:

Sperms from Semen are collected and mixed with cryoprotectant and stored in liquid nitrogen. Sperms remain viable for many years through this process.

Age is not just a number when it comes to fertility. But one need not put away other dreams and take up parenthood. It is highly recommended to freeze eggs or sperms before you hit your 30s that will result in better pregnancy outcomes. Social Freezing offers an option to pause your parenthood dream and focus on other commitments thereby enjoying the best of both worlds!