Dr. Manish Gupta
Suggesting the Suitable Cure
Striving each and every day to offer
personalized service to all patients, Green Park’s doctors keep their eyes open for even the tiniest details and ensure minimal waiting time for consultation, thus ensuring that no patient suffers. The trained medical professionals of the clinic always give honest opinion while suggesting the right treatment. While most of the patients who visit the clinic complain on the stressful life & decreased sleep, the doctors at Green Park Family Medicine Clinic suggest them medical acupuncture that helps to unwind and release the endogenous morphine that acts as natural pain killer and makes the patient feel relaxed. “Dr. Manish has been very professional in advising his patients. I haven’t seen too many doctors denying if the treatment is not very suitable to the patient. He will give a detailed description of the procedure before going for it. I would definitely recommend him to my friends,” says a satisfied client.
"The treatments are provided followed by sincere preventive diagnostics and therapeutic health devices with attention to individual needs"
Offering Holistic Health
Dedicated to give family-centered care from birth to late years in an affordable, high-quality manner, the clinic looks after lifestyle management (diabetes, obesity, thyroid and metabolic disease), pain management, (medical acupuncture & lasers, ache, pain & sprains), Neuro Muscular diseases (EMG, nerve conduction, Ocular
personalized service to all patients, Green Park’s doctors keep their eyes open for even the tiniest details and ensure minimal waiting time for consultation, thus ensuring that no patient suffers. The trained medical professionals of the clinic always give honest opinion while suggesting the right treatment. While most of the patients who visit the clinic complain on the stressful life & decreased sleep, the doctors at Green Park Family Medicine Clinic suggest them medical acupuncture that helps to unwind and release the endogenous morphine that acts as natural pain killer and makes the patient feel relaxed. “Dr. Manish has been very professional in advising his patients. I haven’t seen too many doctors denying if the treatment is not very suitable to the patient. He will give a detailed description of the procedure before going for it. I would definitely recommend him to my friends,” says a satisfied client.
"The treatments are provided followed by sincere preventive diagnostics and therapeutic health devices with attention to individual needs"
Offering Holistic Health
Dedicated to give family-centered care from birth to late years in an affordable, high-quality manner, the clinic looks after lifestyle management (diabetes, obesity, thyroid and metabolic disease), pain management, (medical acupuncture & lasers, ache, pain & sprains), Neuro Muscular diseases (EMG, nerve conduction, Ocular
physiology, and BERA) and dermatology & cosmetology (wrinkles scars, moles, pigmentation, unwanted body hair, and body contouring). These treatments are provided followed by sincere preventive diagnostics and therapeutic health devices with attention to individual needs.
Green Park Family Medicine Clinic specializes in Acupuncture, cupping therapy and Auriculotherapy, which are meant to relieve pain from the body by creating suction points on back and ears to release the pain. Leveraging latest tools like Acugraph from Miridia Technologies USA, this Indian Medical Association (IMA) certified clinic diagnoses the energy imbalance as per traditional Chinese medicine (Acugraph) that helps in explaining the right approach to the patient. The clinic has recently deployed ESWT (Extra corporeal shock wave treatment) and PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma)for pain management, which is available only at few centers in India.
Green Park Family Medicine Clinic follows all the aseptic precautions along with the latest bio medical waste management rules while collaborating with the respective authorities. This waste is segregated at source with proper record maintenance for the same with the permission from Delhi Pollution Control Board. “We want to continue our efforts in offering Holistic family medicine Care and help more and more patients in coming years,” says Dr. Manish.
Green Park Family Medicine Clinic specializes in Acupuncture, cupping therapy and Auriculotherapy, which are meant to relieve pain from the body by creating suction points on back and ears to release the pain. Leveraging latest tools like Acugraph from Miridia Technologies USA, this Indian Medical Association (IMA) certified clinic diagnoses the energy imbalance as per traditional Chinese medicine (Acugraph) that helps in explaining the right approach to the patient. The clinic has recently deployed ESWT (Extra corporeal shock wave treatment) and PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma)for pain management, which is available only at few centers in India.
Green Park Family Medicine Clinic follows all the aseptic precautions along with the latest bio medical waste management rules while collaborating with the respective authorities. This waste is segregated at source with proper record maintenance for the same with the permission from Delhi Pollution Control Board. “We want to continue our efforts in offering Holistic family medicine Care and help more and more patients in coming years,” says Dr. Manish.