• Dr. Lakkireddy Kiran Kumar Reddy: Delivering Advanced Cardiac Care With Compassion, Inno- vation & Personalized Treatment for Healthier Hearts
  • Top 10 Prominent Cardiologists - 2024

    Indian cardiologists have much to tell about their giant strides both in practice and research in the field of cardiology. This specialty of cardiology of India had made tremendous strides within a little more than half a century, largely thanks to improvements in medical technology, greater accessibility of medical facilities, and the ever-evolving emphasis on prevention and control of heart disease. Cardiologists in India are based in the governmental and private hospitals, as well as academic centers, that provide care for over 1.4 billion population across the country, with great diversity in needs. Of the highest rates, one finds cardiovascular disease, comprising coronary artery disease, heart failure, and stroke. Recently, it has accounted for the largest share of causes of...

10 Prominent Cardiologists - 2024


Company Logo Company Name Company Management Company Description
Onus Heart Institute Onus Heart Institute Dr Lakkireddy Kiran Kumar Reddy, Chief Interventional Cardiologist, Co-Founder & Director - Cardiac Cathlab, Onus Heart Institute Leads a critical care team at the hospital, including interventional cardiologists, CT surgeons and specialized cardiac anesthesia professionals. His professional approach focuses on collaboration with other departments, continuous learning, and fostering innovation.
Company Logo Company Name Company Management Company Description
Dr Bharavi Chunduri Dr Bharavi Chunduri Dr Bharavi Chunduri, MD, DM (Cardiology) Specializes in treating various medical issues related to cardiology such as chest pain, palpitations, hypertension, hypotension, coronary artery disease, ischemia, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cardiac enlargement, as well as cardiac disturbances like arrhythmia, atrial flutter, tachycardia, and bradycardia
Kauvery Hospital Kauvery Hospital Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy, HOD - Interventional Cardiologist Experienced Cardiologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry, skilled in Interventional Cardiology, Clinical Research, Hospitals, Medicine, and Clinical Trials
Bangalore Hospitals Bangalore Hospitals Dr Nischal Hegde, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist With a passion for cardiovascular medicine and a commitment to providing top-notch patient care, he specialize in diagnosing and treating a wide range of heart conditions, expertise lies in performing complex coronary interventions
Fortis Hospitals Fortis Hospitals Dr Prabhakar Koregol, Senior Consultant Cardiologist Experienced Cardiologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry, skilled in Medical Devices, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Nursing , Healthcare Management, and Healthcare
SKM Hospital SKM Hospital Dr R N Talapatra, Cardiologist A Senior Interventional Cardiologist with 10 years of experience in the field of Interventional Cardiology, a medical professional specializing in cardiology, and the branch of medicine that deals with heart-related conditions
Dr Ranjan Modi Dr Ranjan Modi Dr Ranjan Modi, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist & Structural Heart Disease A highly sought-after Consultant Cardiologist, specializing in Interventional Cardiology and Structural Heart Disease, with a focus on preventive cardiology, passionate about research and has published several papers on the subject
Dr Sai Ravi Shanker Dr Sai Ravi Shanker Dr Sai Ravi Shanker, Senior Consultant Cardiologist A committed cardiologist who stands at the fore front, delivering proficient cardiac care to patients, leveraging his extensive treatment across the field
Narayana Health Narayana Health Dr Sanjay Kumar Chugh, Associate Director and Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiology 36 years of experience as a Cardiologist, 28 years in Interventional Cardiology, Specialized in Interventional Cardiology, Acute MI Angioplasty (Primary Angioplasty), (Currently ALL performed Transracial), Peripheral Angioplasty
Carditek Medical Devices Carditek Medical Devices Dr Sugandhi Gopal, Interventional cardiologist Experienced Interventional Cardiologist with a demonstrated history of working in the hospital & health care industry, skilled in Medical Devices, Healthcare, Diabetes, Clinical Research, and Medicine