Making Motherhood Possible Through New IUI Method

In recent years, the prevalence of couples unable to conceive has increased drastically and over 20 percent of the married couples account to it. Not only there is a decline in female fertility, but a reduction in male fertility has been on a rise. Of the total couples seeking fertility treatment around half of the issue lies with the female partner and the increasing trend in loss of male fertility is attributable in the remaining half. Tendency to look for fertility treatment is high, as the need for parenthood and social status of parenthood is more significant in India. However, the awareness of IVF in rural areas is a major barrier.
Though the proportion of women in their reproductive age between 20-44 years has increased in the last decade women over 30 are under the burden of infertility in India.
With the changing lifestyle, increased use of contraceptives and exposure to toxins is linked to further raise the burden of infertility in India by 2020.
Why is New IUI Technique Better than Other Methods?
While the conventional IUI techniques were costlier and had very low success rates, the new IUI technique developed is one of the revolutionary transformations with success rates up to 80 percent.
Even though this technique is not completely new, but has been made better with some improvements in it, which has improved its success rate by atleast for folds. This latest new IUI technique has been presented at various international journals with proven clinical results.
Though couples attributing to infertility contribute equally with 40 percent each among men and women, 20 percent of the reasons are sporadic, and therefore it is evident enough that not only female, but male factor infertility also affects motherhood equally. The new IUI technique is highly beneficial for complications of tubal factor infertility in females, and
complications of low sperm count and motility in males.
Conventional IUI techniques are used to open the closed fallopian tubes in female unable to conceive, but had only a success rate of 20 percent in the first attempt. With the development of the new IUI technique, the success rate has gone up immensely. New IUI technique being inexpensive in comparison, is yet more successful despite being an improvised technique of the existing IUI method.
In India, around 15-20 percent of the couple fail to conceive and seek some form of IVF treatment. With recent advancements in the field of Infertility treatment and Artificial Reproductive Techniques (ART), almost all types & grades of infertility are treatable and help achieve parenthood.
What Could Be the Possible Reasons Among Female?
1.Changing & Sedentary Lifestyle: Women are born with their lifetime reserve of eggs and these gradually decrease in both quality and quantity with age. Westernization has only depleted and destroyed the egg quality prematurely in women.
2. Increase in the Number of Working Women: With more number of women focussing on work and career they want to conceive after getting settled. But the biological clock ticking away fertility reduces with increasing age, decreasing the chances to get pregnant.
3. Urban Lifestyle & Obesity: With westernization, many women has been fancying for alcohol and tobacco consumption as a style and status symbol. Depending on junk food and a sedentary lifestyle, people now a day are becoming obese which is one of the main reasons for becoming infertile.
4. Other Clinical Factors: Prevalence of medical conditions among women have seen a rise in the last decade:
a) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS): PCOS is very common among Indian women and is estimated to have 22 percent prevalence rate in India.
b) Closed Fallopian Tube: It is the greatest risk factor for tubal blockage and endometrial damage to result in infertility. Over, 18 percent of Indian women in reproductive age are affected to it.
c) Urinary Tract Infections(UTI): Over 30 percent of women have been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections. Infertility due to STIs such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis Chlamydia and Trichomoniansis, has been attributed to pelvic inflammatory disease & tubal infertility in women.
d) Hormonal imbalance: Indian women had lower Anti Mullerian Hormone levels (AMH), higher Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH)levels and a longer duration of infertility despite being significantly younger.
Treatment Methods for Women Before Undergoing IUI Though, the functions of a woman’s ovaries cannot be restored to normal but chances of getting pregnant can be increased. There are only five percent chances for a woman (under the age of 40 years) to get pregnant without medical intervention (‘Spontaneous Remission’ the ovaries may begin to function on their own, restoring fertility). New IUI method has provided many women failing to conceive due to complications of fallopian tube, a new ray of hope to enjoy motherhood.
Conventional IUI techniques are used to open the closed fallopian tubes in female unable to conceive, but had only a success rate of 20 percent in the first attempt. With the development of the new IUI technique, the success rate has gone up immensely. New IUI technique being inexpensive in comparison, is yet more successful despite being an improvised technique of the existing IUI method.
Depending on junk food and a sedentary lifestyle, people now a day are becoming obese which is one of the main reasons for becoming infertile
In India, around 15-20 percent of the couple fail to conceive and seek some form of IVF treatment. With recent advancements in the field of Infertility treatment and Artificial Reproductive Techniques (ART), almost all types & grades of infertility are treatable and help achieve parenthood.
What Could Be the Possible Reasons Among Female?
1.Changing & Sedentary Lifestyle: Women are born with their lifetime reserve of eggs and these gradually decrease in both quality and quantity with age. Westernization has only depleted and destroyed the egg quality prematurely in women.
2. Increase in the Number of Working Women: With more number of women focussing on work and career they want to conceive after getting settled. But the biological clock ticking away fertility reduces with increasing age, decreasing the chances to get pregnant.
3. Urban Lifestyle & Obesity: With westernization, many women has been fancying for alcohol and tobacco consumption as a style and status symbol. Depending on junk food and a sedentary lifestyle, people now a day are becoming obese which is one of the main reasons for becoming infertile.
4. Other Clinical Factors: Prevalence of medical conditions among women have seen a rise in the last decade:
a) Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS): PCOS is very common among Indian women and is estimated to have 22 percent prevalence rate in India.
b) Closed Fallopian Tube: It is the greatest risk factor for tubal blockage and endometrial damage to result in infertility. Over, 18 percent of Indian women in reproductive age are affected to it.
c) Urinary Tract Infections(UTI): Over 30 percent of women have been diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections. Infertility due to STIs such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis Chlamydia and Trichomoniansis, has been attributed to pelvic inflammatory disease & tubal infertility in women.
d) Hormonal imbalance: Indian women had lower Anti Mullerian Hormone levels (AMH), higher Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH)levels and a longer duration of infertility despite being significantly younger.
Treatment Methods for Women Before Undergoing IUI Though, the functions of a woman’s ovaries cannot be restored to normal but chances of getting pregnant can be increased. There are only five percent chances for a woman (under the age of 40 years) to get pregnant without medical intervention (‘Spontaneous Remission’ the ovaries may begin to function on their own, restoring fertility). New IUI method has provided many women failing to conceive due to complications of fallopian tube, a new ray of hope to enjoy motherhood.