
Dr. Vasudha M Sharma : Leading the Way in Integrative Holistic Healing combining Ayurveda, Yoga, & Naturopathy

Dr. Vasudha M Sharma,  Co-Founder & Director

Dr. Vasudha M Sharma

Co-Founder & Director

Diverse therapeutic approaches, such as Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, offer a unique and holistic way to treat people with health concerns not just addressing physical health, but also their emotional and psychological well being. By creating personalized treatment plans, the aim is to deliver long-lasting improvements in overall health, combining conventional medicine with complementary approaches to achieve the optimal outcomes for recovery of patients.

Dr. Vasudha M Sharma Co-founder and Director of Medical services at Vivekananda Health Global(VHG) is one such seasoned professional in this segment, with 23 years of clinical experience in integrative medicine. Her journey was fueled by a passion for healing, a deep interest in Ayurveda, Indian traditions, and a commitment to combining mind-body therapies for comprehensive patient care. She completed her degree in Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) from Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru in 1999 and later pursued a Master’s in Yoga Therapy from S-VYASA University, Bangalore. Following this, she earned a PhD in Yoga, from S-VYASA focusing on the role of Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy in the management of Migraine headache. Her approach to holistic healing is distinguished by a protocol based, evidence-driven integration of Ayurveda, yoga therapy and Naturopathy including Acupuncture. This comprehensive, structured method ensures a personalized and effective treatment plan, setting her apart from other practitioners in Bengaluru.

“Individuals seeking holistic healing should remain open-minded and explore multiple health systems like Ayurveda, Naturopathy, and Yoga, rather than relying solely on conventional medicine. Ayurveda is used as mainstream treatment in providing solutions to many health concerns. Holistic systems offer significant benefits and should be understood as complementary, not alternative, to conventional approaches”, adds Dr. Vasudha M Sharma.
Her approach to holistic patient care is centered around evidence-based integrative medicine, combining Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy and conventional medicine (allopathy). VHG's approach is protocol-driven and tailored to individual patient needs. After an initial consultation, patients receive a thoughtfully crafted treatment plan, which may include Ayurvedic therapies, oral medications, acupuncture, and yoga. This integrated method is not only carefully designed but also assessed through pre- and post treatment evaluations to measure patient outcomes and ensure the effectiveness of interventions.

Dr. Vasudha M Sharma specializes in pain management, focusing on migraines, successfully treating thousands of patients with a 90percent success rate. At VHG, the emphasis is on cost-effective therapies that provide long term relief without side effects. Conditions such as cervical spondylosis, sciatica, osteoarthritis, and frozen shoulder and many other pain related conditions are also treated, along with women’s health issues, including menstrual pain and fertility challenges. Additionally, it addresses stress, obesity, infertility, children’s health, geriatrics, hair, skin, diet counselling, and rehabilitation.

By blending patient education with innovative services, Dr. Vasudha M Sharma ensures a comprehensive & meaningful healthcare experience for all patients

Dr. Vasudha M Sharma emphasizes patient education as a cornerstone of her practice at VHG. By blending patient education with innovative services, she ensures a comprehensive and meaningful healthcare experience for all patients. “I focus on educating the public through VHG, which offers virtual sessions, educational programs, and social media outreach. Moreover, I conduct guest lectures and podcasts, spreading awareness of the therapeutic potential of these holistic healing systems beyond conventional medicine. This continuous effort to educate the public helps over come misconceptions and promotes the benefits of integrative health solutions”, emphasizes Dr. Vasudha M Sharma.

Looking forward Dr. Vasudha M Sharma plans to expand the practice by introducing specialized rehabilitation services in Geriatric Rehab, Neuro Rehab, Addiction Rehab, and Sports Rehab. Further, collaborations are in the pipeline to launch Integrative de -addiction rehab and Integrative Neuro Rehab. These strategic partnerships aim to strengthen VHG's focus on integrative medicine, research, and rehabilitation, fostering innovation and comprehensive patient care.