Prakash Kamat
Chairman and ManagingDirector
Healthcare has become one of India’s largest sectors in terms of both revenue and employment. According to IBEF,it is estimated that Indian healthcare market will record a CAGR of 16.28 per cent and will touch 372 billion USD by 2022. With this ever increasing market size, the daily work flow of the healthcare sector keeps growing proportionally. Considering various aspects within a medical practice including patient appointment, consultation, accounting and clinical tests, a healthcare institute is overloaded with many paper works every day. However, transition to digital systems invariably reduces this need for paper printouts, ensures accuracy of data import and facilitates efficient work flow; overall it brings in better and time-saving data management. Being a pioneer in Healthcare IT, Pune based SoftLink International with its solutions ensures that almost all areas in hospital right from admission to discharge can go paper less or at least reduce paper consumption dramatically!
With two decades of strong industry presence, SoftLink has built a diversified portfolio of products and solutions in HealthCare IT rather than restricting themselves to one or
two product ideas! Their product portfolio comprises of specially designed solutions and offerings for Cardiology, Radiology and Hospitals. Prakash Kamat, CEO, SoftLink International, says, "Right now, SoftLink product portfolio consists of CVIS, C-PACS, RIS-PACS, HMIS, Middleware of IS-IT Integration and Workflow Automation Solutions. Our RIS - PACS(CIS– CPACS) solution helps Hospitals to consolidate isolated Patient Information and Patient Images from different Diagnostic Imaging Modalities into a centralized solution to achieve greater efficiency as well as lowers cost. The newly launched Zero footprint HTML5 Web viewer also enables review of images from any computing device PC, Tablet or even smart phone. Heart Care Plus - CVIS Systems offer, Cardiac Procedure reporting with point-and-click access to automated Coronary Tree Diagrams, Procedure Reports and data for Research Analysis. Reports can be distributed using Web repository, HL7 export, email, automatic print or fax transmissions."
Most Healthcare service providers are hampered by the need for physicians to log onto multiple systems to review patient images and data, whereas SoftLink RIS - PACS(CIS – CPACS) solution with repository of online data and images allows clinicians just single log-in facility at any location. Along with this, company’s unique concept of EMR CD, provides a complete patient record inclusive of Key vital summary, Lab reports, Discharge summary and DICOM images on single CD/ DVD, providing huge savings in terms of paper printouts. Additionally, SoftLink has built interfaces with medical equipment on DICOM, HL7
Most Healthcare service providers are hampered by the need for physicians to log onto multiple systems to review patient images and data, whereas SoftLink RIS - PACS(CIS – CPACS) solution with repository of online data and images allows clinicians just single log-in facility at any location. Along with this, company’s unique concept of EMR CD, provides a complete patient record inclusive of Key vital summary, Lab reports, Discharge summary and DICOM images on single CD/ DVD, providing huge savings in terms of paper printouts. Additionally, SoftLink has built interfaces with medical equipment on DICOM, HL7
as well as non-standard custom built interfaces to achieve integrations with medical devices, hospital IS/IT systems. This approach creates a seamless experience for its users delivering value in terms of efficiency, faster clinical diagnosis and employee productivity, thus making a compelling proposition to its customers!
Founded in 1997, by Prakash Kamat and Dr. Awani Kamat, this ISO certified company has been recognized by Institute of Economic Studies for excellence in Quality & Innovations, awarded World Business Leader by World Confederation of Business, Texas and several notable awards and recognition to its credits over the years. SoftLink built a corporate office cum development centre for 200 plus employees in 7th year of inception, when its team size was just 20! Today, company holds a strong global presence with a well-built clientele, which includes Apollo Hospitals, Mount Sinai Hospital, USA, Fortis Escorts, JIPMER Pondicherry and Breach Candy Hospital Trust. With an eye on future, SoftLink intends to harness power of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Machine Learning (ML)to further drive efficiency and productivity in achieving clinical diagnosis. “SoftLink is diligently endeavouring to harness the power of AI-ML for healthcare IT with its product portfolio, domain knowledge, vast datasets and customer base. SoftLink’s R & D Teams are persistently working on new modules that will make use of AI-ML techniques to build expert systems, draw conclusions with data mining tools and diagnose images to help physicians to make accurate and quick diagnosis,” Prakash concludes.
Founded in 1997, by Prakash Kamat and Dr. Awani Kamat, this ISO certified company has been recognized by Institute of Economic Studies for excellence in Quality & Innovations, awarded World Business Leader by World Confederation of Business, Texas and several notable awards and recognition to its credits over the years. SoftLink built a corporate office cum development centre for 200 plus employees in 7th year of inception, when its team size was just 20! Today, company holds a strong global presence with a well-built clientele, which includes Apollo Hospitals, Mount Sinai Hospital, USA, Fortis Escorts, JIPMER Pondicherry and Breach Candy Hospital Trust. With an eye on future, SoftLink intends to harness power of Artificial Intelligence(AI)and Machine Learning (ML)to further drive efficiency and productivity in achieving clinical diagnosis. “SoftLink is diligently endeavouring to harness the power of AI-ML for healthcare IT with its product portfolio, domain knowledge, vast datasets and customer base. SoftLink’s R & D Teams are persistently working on new modules that will make use of AI-ML techniques to build expert systems, draw conclusions with data mining tools and diagnose images to help physicians to make accurate and quick diagnosis,” Prakash concludes.