Akshay Daftary & Karan Daftary
Directors - Business Development
Established in 1996 with the vision of helping lifesavers save lives across the globe, SIRO has conducted over 200 clinical trials across various therapeutic areas. Its efficient
channelization and communication across different departments at SIRO helps accomplish the tasks within the set timelines abiding by high quality standards. In order to meet the challenging demands of medical domain, the company has integrated technological solutions inclusive of Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS), Electronic data capturing, E-diary for patients, and IWRS on a common platform. The company has created its in-house Health economics and outcomes research team. Alongside, it also owns the largest medical writing teams in India with 100+ qualified doctors.
Having built bespoken service offerings over the years in the CRO industry, SIRO has positioned itself as the most preferable partner amongst the known large pharmaceutical companies in the world. “We firmly believe that we are a strategic partner for our clients and play a pivotal role in the drug development process. While our services, offerings & medical expertise form a key part of our client’s drug development ambitions, we assist them with lean solutioning compliant with regulatory standards,” avers Akshay Daftary, Director Business Development, SIRO Clinpharm.
It’s efficiency in clinical trials is quite evident by its numerous case studies, one of which is the ‘management of a complex oncology trial’ involving monoclonal antibody coupled with radioactive isotope having a half-life of only five days, due to which the finished product had to be first manufactured in India and then immediately administered to Glioblastoma patients. Playing a crucial role in the scenario-liasioning with Govt., streamlining logistics, allocating resources, following-up continuously at the site, SIRO achieved a milestone - recruiting 41 patients with zero errors in drug delivery and administration process.
Future Plans
Growing exponentially and having undergone rebranding – introducing new logo & website for the company, SIRO envisions a better picture of the company in the coming future, and expanding geographically. The organization is now focussing on establishing its operational wing in New Jersey, for which it will also be hiring key personnel in Medical Writing, Data Management and Biostatistics.
Having built bespoken service offerings over the years in the CRO industry, SIRO has positioned itself as the most preferable partner amongst the known large pharmaceutical companies in the world. “We firmly believe that we are a strategic partner for our clients and play a pivotal role in the drug development process. While our services, offerings & medical expertise form a key part of our client’s drug development ambitions, we assist them with lean solutioning compliant with regulatory standards,” avers Akshay Daftary, Director Business Development, SIRO Clinpharm.
SIRO has positioned itself as the most preferable partner amongst the known large pharmaceutical companies in the world
It’s efficiency in clinical trials is quite evident by its numerous case studies, one of which is the ‘management of a complex oncology trial’ involving monoclonal antibody coupled with radioactive isotope having a half-life of only five days, due to which the finished product had to be first manufactured in India and then immediately administered to Glioblastoma patients. Playing a crucial role in the scenario-liasioning with Govt., streamlining logistics, allocating resources, following-up continuously at the site, SIRO achieved a milestone - recruiting 41 patients with zero errors in drug delivery and administration process.
Future Plans
Growing exponentially and having undergone rebranding – introducing new logo & website for the company, SIRO envisions a better picture of the company in the coming future, and expanding geographically. The organization is now focussing on establishing its operational wing in New Jersey, for which it will also be hiring key personnel in Medical Writing, Data Management and Biostatistics.