
Dr. Vishal Kundnani : A Backbone of Spine Care Providing Personalized Spine Health in Mumbai

 Dr Vishal Kundnani,  Spine Surgeon

Dr Vishal Kundnani

Spine Surgeon

Minimal Invasive Microscopic Spine Surgery is revolutionizing spinal care by offering patients quicker recovery times, reduced pain, and minimal scarring. Utilizing small incisions and advanced microscopic techniques, this approach minimizes tissue damage and lowers the risk of complications. Patients benefit from shorter hospital stays and a faster return to normal activities, this cutting-edge surgery is particularly advantageous for individuals with intricate spinal issues, offering effective treatment with reduced physical and emotional strain. A leading expert in this procedure is Dr Vishal Kundnani.

Dr Vishal Kundnani’s journey into the intricate world of spine surgery is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation. With an illustrious career spanning over 16 years, Dr Vishal Kundnani has established himself as a leading figure in the field, currently Heading the Department of Clinical Spine Surgery at both Leelavati Hospital and Bombay Hospital in Mumbai. His expertise lies in advanced spine surgery techniques, particularly Minimally Invasive Microscopic Spine Surgery, and his profound interest in complex spinal scoliosis and future-forward technologies like navigation, computer-guided, and robotic spine surgeries.

Significant Contributions & Innovations

Dr Vishal Kundnani’s foray into spine surgery began during his postgraduate studies in MS Orthopedics at Jaipur. “Observing many spine-related cases, I recognized the need for specialized care and chose to explore this niche further. After completing my MS, I underwent extensive global training, traveling to Singapore, Australia, Japan, Finland, the UK, and other countries to refine my skills. Having learned from top experts in the field, I returned to India to apply my expertise in Mumbai, where I now serve as a Consultant Spine Specialist and Head of Clinical Spine Services”, says Dr Vishal Kundnani, Spine Surgeon at Mumbai Speciality Clinic.

A notable aspect of Dr Vishal Kundnani’s career is his dedication to both surgical and non-surgical spine care. With over 12,000 minimally invasive microscopic spine surgeries under his belt, he also prides himself on treating more than 30,000 patients without surgery. His approach emphasizes personalized care, integrating pain management and physiotherapy
protocols that adhere to international standards. Moreover, Dr Vishal Kundnani is at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge technology into spine surgery. His interest and training in navigation and robotic spine surgeries position him as a pioneer in adopting these technologies, which promise enhanced precision and safety in surgical outcomes.

In his practice, Dr Vishal Kundnani encounters a range of spine conditions, from common back and neck pain to more severe issues like slipped discs, spinal TB, tumors, infections, and trauma-induced injuries. His approach to diagnosis and treatment is methodical, leveraging advanced imaging and minimally invasive techniques to ensure accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.

Extensive Surgical Expertise

Dr Vishal Kundnani’s unique selling points include not only his extensive surgical experience but also his commitment to non-surgical treatments and personalized patient care. He runs a foundation, Swastya Siksha Foundation, which organizes mega health camps in rural and tribal areas, offering free spine care and surgeries to those in need. This initiative reflects his deep commitment to social responsibility and his efforts to make specialized spine care accessible to underserved populations.

Dr Vishal Kundnani’s journey into the intricate world of spine surgery is a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence & innovation

Furthermore, Dr Vishal Kundnani is also deeply invested in education and research. He heads a national spine fellowship program, training five postgraduates annually, and has trained over 40 spine specialists to date. Additionally, as an education officer for AO Spine and a committee member for the Asia Pacific Spine Society, he plays a crucial role in shaping the educational landscape for spine surgery. Research is another cornerstone of Dr Vishal Kundnani’s work, with his team contributing significantly to clinical research in spine surgery. They have published over 100 academic journals, advancing the field with original research and innovative approaches.

Trends & Challenges in Spine Surgery

The field of spine surgery has evolved dramatically over the past decade, with increasing awareness among patients about spine health and advancements in technology improving surgical outcomes. Dr Vishal Kundnani notes that the integration of robotics and minimally invasive techniques has revolutionized the safety and precision of spine surgeries. Despite these advancements, challenges remain, particularly the late presentation of patients with advanced spine conditions. He advocates for early diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications and improve outcomes.

Looking ahead, Dr Vishal Kundnani sees a bright future for spine surgery, driven by technological advancements and growing awareness. He anticipates significant progress in non-surgical treatments, such as stem cell therapy and regenerative therapies, which could transform the management of spine conditions. The integration of artificial intelligence and telemedicine is expected to enhance diagnosis and treatment, making specialized care accessible even in remote areas.

In conclusion, Dr Vishal Kundnani’s journey is a remarkable example of dedication, innovation, and social responsibility. His contributions to spine surgery, both in terms of clinical excellence and his philanthropic endeavours, have significantly impacted the field and countless patients’ lives. As he continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in spine care, Dr Vishal Kundnani remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for the medical community and beyond.