Rashmee Gajra, CEO
While there are thousands of tips, tricks & old wives’ tales, the most effective & simplest way to create the parent-child bond & provide them with all love & care in the world is baby wearing. Playing a vital role in keeping your child close to heart & touched by your soul, baby wearing can be done through various kinds of carriers. Propelled by a team of mothers who are a group of baby wearing educators who understand parents’ requirements, as well as the ergonomics and chiropractics of baby wearing, is Anmol Baby Carriers.
Apart from being India’s first ASTM-tested and certified ergonomic baby carrier brand, Anmol Baby Carriers is also a business member of the Baby Carrier Industry Alliance (BCIA). The company specializes in beautiful hand-woven baby wearing wraps, custom-made in collaboration with handloom cooperatives & social enterprises, adopting every region’s distinctive weaves & customized designs. Made in certified factories, these wraps are made from 100 percent superior quality cotton yarns, keeping in mind India’s climatic condition, are luxurious, soft and
breathable,support breathing &facilitate the conversion of carriers. Anmol also makes other carriers like Flexy (adjustable soft structured carrier), Hybrid Wraps, Soft-Structured Carriers (SSCs), Meh Dais, and Ring Slings, adopting every region’s distinctive weaves& customized designs. It uses wrap scraps to manufacture up cycled accessories like blankets, tote bags, soft soles, droolpads, toys, bibs, nursings carves, and buntings.
"Anmol designs wide range of baby carriers & accessories that have a mom-designed element, and are created after constant engagement & connection with users"
Standing Out in the Crowd
Anmol designs a wide range of baby carriers & accessories that have a mom-designed element and are created after constant engagement & connection with users, which makes them extremely user-friendly and safe for babies as early as within few hours of the baby’s birth. “The fabric is made using baby safe dyes and comply with all CPSCIA requirements. Our carriers give the very feeling of warmth and security as a mother's womb, that newborns need to thrive well after birth. Besides being sturdy, soft and good looking, our carriers are extremely comfortable,” asserts Rashmee Gajra, Founder & CEO, Anmol Baby Carriers.
The company constantly keeps itself updated with universally standardized certifications for all its carriers; for instance the buckled SSCs have the world’s best Duraflex buckles available, which is a three-point safety buckle to
"Anmol designs wide range of baby carriers & accessories that have a mom-designed element, and are created after constant engagement & connection with users"
Standing Out in the Crowd
Anmol designs a wide range of baby carriers & accessories that have a mom-designed element and are created after constant engagement & connection with users, which makes them extremely user-friendly and safe for babies as early as within few hours of the baby’s birth. “The fabric is made using baby safe dyes and comply with all CPSCIA requirements. Our carriers give the very feeling of warmth and security as a mother's womb, that newborns need to thrive well after birth. Besides being sturdy, soft and good looking, our carriers are extremely comfortable,” asserts Rashmee Gajra, Founder & CEO, Anmol Baby Carriers.
The company constantly keeps itself updated with universally standardized certifications for all its carriers; for instance the buckled SSCs have the world’s best Duraflex buckles available, which is a three-point safety buckle to
prevent accidental opening, which also includes an elastic belt loop for securing the waist buckle. Being baby wearing educators themselves enables the company to understand and address every query put-forth to them via personal consultation, phone or online groups. “Anmol works on the philosophy of community building, hence we not only focus on sales, but also on customer support for the general well-being of child & parent,” asserts Rashmee. Anmol’s Facebook bot helps parents to decide on baby carrier use, while it uses diverse multimedia to explain the benefits & usability of carriers; for example, its dynamic website provides detailed explanation for each product, and topics that have relevance with baby wearing.
More than Just Baby Carriers
This Mumbai-based company is not only a baby carrier brand, but also a strong community of mothers that supports one another & equip them with most suitable baby carrier & suggest them the apt solution, be it lactating or baby wearing. The community also conducts interactive meet-ups that encourage & empower mothers for baby wearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, walks & fitness, flash mobs, OPOS (One Pot One Shot), workshops and more. Recently, Anmol has tied-up with Kanga Training India as their official baby wearing partners. “We have done an uphill task of creating awareness & training parents to use babywearing products, and today we have reached out to thousands of offline & online followers. We aim to achieve a turnover of Rs.10 crore with 40 percent sales coming from overseas,” concludes Rashmee.
More than Just Baby Carriers
This Mumbai-based company is not only a baby carrier brand, but also a strong community of mothers that supports one another & equip them with most suitable baby carrier & suggest them the apt solution, be it lactating or baby wearing. The community also conducts interactive meet-ups that encourage & empower mothers for baby wearing, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, walks & fitness, flash mobs, OPOS (One Pot One Shot), workshops and more. Recently, Anmol has tied-up with Kanga Training India as their official baby wearing partners. “We have done an uphill task of creating awareness & training parents to use babywearing products, and today we have reached out to thousands of offline & online followers. We aim to achieve a turnover of Rs.10 crore with 40 percent sales coming from overseas,” concludes Rashmee.