
How Technology Is Driving The Food Industry

Wednesday, 19 January 2022, 11:49 IST
As we know, the food industry is a multifaceted, global chain of different businesses that fulfil most of the food consumed by the world's population. The word food industries comprise a range of industrial activities focused on the making, distribution, processing, conversion, preservation, transport, certification, and packaging of foodstuffs. Today's food industry has grown highly diversified, with manufacturing extending from small, traditional, and family run activities that are highly labour intensive to large, capital intensive, and highly mechanized industrial processes. Many food industries depend entirely on local farming, produce, and many others.

Food Production
Most of the food industry favours crops cultivated through traditional agricultural practices. Agriculture makes food, feeds products, fibre, and other desired products by growing certain plants and raising domesticated animals (livestock). On average, 83 percent of the food consumed by humans is produced using terrestrial agriculture. Other food sources include aquaculture and fishing.

There will be a shift apart From mass production and More towards innovative As well as specialized Food packaging to assist Specified products and Services among new Technological advances

Food Processing
It involves the practices and techniques used to transmute raw ingredients into food for human consumption. Food processing brings in clean, harvested, slaughtered, and butchered components. Further, utilizes them to manufacture retail food products. There are numerous different ways in which food can be produced.

How Technology Plays A Vital Role In The Production& Processing Of Food?
The entirely functional food industry continues to be a crucial part of any modernized economy. Not only makes it provide countless jobs, but it also keeps us nurtured with food on our plates. Some impressive technologies are not only changing the food industry right now but will also have a significant impact in the future. As their use increases more widespread, the industry will adapt to be more innovative and more productive, with continued improvements worldwide. The food industry is actively grabbing up as a transition to a connected as well as automated future to pick, pack and produce food.

Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Robotics:The machines and robots are leveraged to enhance services in the food industry, further maintaining quality and efficiency at affordable costs. They often operate alongside human workers to expand or improve processes. They come with various unique benefits, such as much improved protection for workers, rapid product output, and consistent, reliable quality. Artificial intelligence and Advanced Robotics are two different technologies that are combined together. AI, and the data it analyzes, is used to control robots, enabling them to be more accurate, intelligent, and informed. Most robots that operate on their own are skilled at making only monotonous and indeed defined tasks. Yet, those robots become incredibly advanced when administered by data based intelligence solutions like AI or machine learning. Launch something unique into the actions, and they’ll either find an error or fail.

Automation Technology:Automating food production can get many advantages. The strength to replicate the look and product quality with the minimum use of ingredients increases line efficiencies leading to bottom line profit and can conceivably boost sales. At the same time, developing the traceability of raw elements will give the added bonus of enhanced food safety. Inside the food industry, primary packaging methods that require manipulating raw food into its initial wrapper are complex because of many essential products like pasta, sausages, tomatoes, cheese, potatoes, and many others. Differ in size, shape, quality, weight, and texture, making it a difficult challenge for extremely automated robots to manipulate them at the needed line performances and still maintain the quality & integrity of the product.

Blockchain:Before the pandemic, people were much more mindful about the foods they consumed. They wanted to know about the source of their goods and whether they’ve been sourced using safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly methods. Rising attention to health is now a priority, and visibility is a must. The obstacle with such demands is that, until recently, there haven’t been many solutions for increased visibility within the food supply chain. Blockchain technology is the solution, giving precisely the kind of clarity, efficiency, controls, and collaboration that consumers need. Blockchain is a digital record of a particular data set. The data that gets in is added to something called a block, and further added as much as possible, it is mounted to the end of that block to create a long and linked record. Every bit of information is visible across the entire chain, hence the name Blockchain.

Technological Implementations That Are In Progress
1.Drones & Automated Delivery Vehicles:Drones have been proposed to rapidly deliver prepared foods. The Automated delivery vehicles refer typically to transport systems that move without the intervention of a human driver.

2.3D Printing for Edible Goods:3D printing on edible goods helps to use leftovers like old bread and leftover vegetables to create new products. Food printing can help reduce food waste.

3.Smart Farming:'Smart farming' is an emerging idea that applies to managing farms using technologies like IoT, robotics, drones, and AI to enhance the quantity and quality of products while optimizing the human labour required by production.

4.Hightech Packaging:There will be a shift apart from mass production and more towards innovative as well as specialized food packaging to assist specified products and services among new technological advances.