• KLAY Schools: India's Leading Corporate Daycare Partners
  • KLAY Schools: India's Leading Corporate Daycare Partners

    An ambitious data scientist based out of Bangalore, Sneha Mathur was approaching her next promotion when she got pregnant with her first child. But it didn’t slow her down. While taking on bulky data sets that would advance her career, Sneha planned on jumping right back into work after five or six months of maternity leave. Alas, life is never that simple. Sneha’s feelings towards motherhood and her career reoriented after her son, Ishaan, was born. Having submerged under the many perturbations about her son’s developmental needs, eleven months into her leave, she resigned - mirroring a considerable number of young women across the country. But for Nidhi Majumder who is also from the same city and working for ITC Infotech, her son, Zohan never became a reason for Nidhi to...


Making Parenthood More Pleasing

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor

How Digitization Promises to Change the Landscape of the Supply Chain Sector

Samir Lambay, CEO & Director, Freightcrate Technologies

The Times of Infertility!!!

V. S. Venkatesh, CEO, Morgenall Healthcare

How Healthcare BPO Will Transform the Service Lines of Healthcare Service Providers

Amit Sharma, Head - IT & Strategy, Cytecare Cancer Hospitals

The Diagnostic Revolution by the Molecules of Pathology

Dr. Sujay Prasad, Medical Director, Neuberg Diagnostics

7 Reasons Digitizing Education can Help Students in Learning

Vikas Kakwani, Founder, AAS Vidyalaya

Popular Diet Trends That are Doing More Harm than Good

Sheela Joseph, Senior Dietician, SPARSH Group of Hospitals

Digital Revolution

Chander Khanduja, CIO, Luminous Power Technologies