• Clinical Research Network India: A Contract Research Organization Standing At The Forefront Of India's Fight Against The Pandemic
  • Clinical Research Network India: A Contract Research Organization Standing At The Forefront Of India's Fight Against The Pandemic

    As the world desperately seeks a vaccine to shield against SARS-CoV-2, we are reminded of the instrumental role the clinical research industry plays in bringing us cutting-edge medical treatments and cure. Currently, there are hundreds of registered COVID-19 trials underway in India, each one of them elevating the world one level closer to finding the vaccine/cure. This is being made possible by Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), who leverage their relationship with biopharmaceutical companies to bestow the scientists/inventors with opportunities, to prove their capability and earn credibility in the hyper-competitive clinical trial industry. Besides enabling clinical research operations to focus on their patients and research, by shouldering the non-core responsibilities, many CRO...


The Gods in White Coat Making a Difference

Anamika Sahu, Managing Editor

Non-Invasive Natural Bypass Technique Can Treat Various Heart Conditions

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DNA Testing

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Advanced Minimally Invasive Procedure To Treat Multiple Lipomas

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AI Cloud Computing & IoT For Healthcare In India & Path Ahead

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Artificial Intelligence: Redefining Future

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