
Thinking About Hair Transplants?

Hair loss causes millions of people distress and a loss of self-confidence worldwide. Unfortunately, hair transplant surgery has rapidly emerged in the recent past as a solution to get back the full head of hair. Definitely, no one can surpass India when it comes to experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeons since many clinics are ready to offer different types of hair restorations. Hair transplantation has been quite popular over the last few years as a modality of management for male pattern hair loss. Medical line of treatment with drugs such as minoxidil, finasteride, and dutasteride played an important role in treating hair loss, along with surgical treatments. Surgical hair restoration has had a diverse history, the era of the punch transplants leaving a stigma on the technique. However recent techniques, such as follicular unit transplantation by mega sessions have restored much respectability to this methodology and it is now possible, by a properly trained and experienced team to give highly satisfactory cosmetic results.

India is fast emerging as a key destination for hair transplant and other cosmetic surgeries. It no longer remains a country just sought after by those in search of advanced medical treatment, but it also now hosts many medical tourists looking for facelifts, hair transplants, and Botox. Much of this has been possible primarily because Indian hospitals are able to deliver high quality services at relatively much cheaper rates. Many of the hair transplant hospitals in India provide end-to-end medical tourism packages from travel to treatment, stay, sightseeing, and even post-treatment care. Through the current edition,‘Top 10 Prominent Hair Transplant Doctors – 2024’ siliconindia strives to celebrate a few promising healthcare professionals & doctors who have displayed exemplary performance in the hair transplant department. The list is a keen outcome of the research performed by our expert editorial and market research team. Read to know more about them and get to make informed choices!

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