
Distributors Enabling Seamless Healthcare Conduct

At the heart of the pharmaceutical supply chain, are the Distributors connecting giant numbers of healthcare providers and pharmacies with an even bigger number of drug manufacturers. Leveraging the partnerships across the industry, pharmaceutical distributors are able to deliver to patients who regularly take prescription medicines, with safe, quick and lowcost access to more than four billion prescription medicines each year.

However, in a constantly evolving healthcare ecosystem, distributors must relentlessly innovate to maximize value to patients and their supply chain partners. Currently, a distributor’s playing field includes safely & efficiently delivering medications, streamlining inventory management and managing financial risk.But thats going to change soon!Healthcare distributors’ future role will be influenced by diverse factors, including the continued growth of specialty drugs and that of value added services.

Added to more traditional branded and generic drugs, the pharmaceutical market includes specialty products which are characteristically more expensive and developed to treat complex health issues affecting smaller patient populations. More so, one of the most exciting potential growth areas is the ability to provide expanded data access and insights. With their unique position at the center of the supply chain, distributors have access to data from both upstream and downstream partners at their fingertips. The potential to leverage this position and expand enhanced data capabilities empowers distributors to develop an even deeper customer understanding and provide more meaningful insights to increase efficiency, lower costs and benefit the overall healthcare system.

The sales of medicines and healthcare devices were raised due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted into growth in revenue and profit for the major players in the global healthcare distribution market. Currently, Indian distributors have significantlypushed the boundaries of technologies to scale exponentially. This edition brings together such distributors on the back of whom the Indian healthcare ecosystem is thriving for seamless conduct. Do let us know what you think.